Svn Checkout Directories only

├── dir1
│   └── subdir1
│       ├── file1
│       ├── file2
│       └── file3
├── dir2
│   ├── subdir1
│   └── subdir2
└── dir3
    ├── subdir1
    │   ├── file1
    │   └── file2
    └── subdir2

Checkout all directories only on the root of the repo

svn co --depth immediates .

This would checkout the empty directories dir1, dir2, dir3

Get another level of the directories

svn up --set-depth immediates dir2

This would update all subdirectories under dir2, i.e. dir2/subdir1 and dir2/subdir2

Get all of the contents inside dir3

svn up --set-depth infinity dir3

This would update all subdirectories and files under dir3 recursively

List folder with depth

List immediates folder

svn ls --depth immediates .

List folder recursively

svn ls --depth infinity .


Last updated