Vim with Multiple Files


Open multiple file into buffers

$ vi a.txt b.txt c.txt

Add files to the buffers

:e <file_path>

List all files of current buffers


Output of :ls:

  1 %a   "a.txt"                        line 1
  2      "b.txt"                        line 0
  3      "c.txt"                        line 0

Switch file using index

:b <index>
:b 2

where 2 is the index in :ls

Switch file using file name

:b <file_name>
:b a.txt

Switch prev/next buffer



Switch to last visited buffer

Toggle between 2 files when repeatedly using this cmd


Using Tabs

Open multiple files into tabs

$ vi -p a.txt b.txt c.txt

Add a new Tab

:tabe <file_path>

Switch to prev/next Tab


Split Screen

Split Horizontally (up and down)

:sp <file_path>

Split Vertically (left and right)

:vsp <file_path>

Open files into horizontally splitted windows

$ vi -o a.txt b.txt c.txt

Open files into vertically splitted windows

$ vi -O a.txt b.txt c.txt

Move between splitted windows


Move to next splitted window



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